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Корпоративный Интернет-сервер на базе ОС FreeBSD

22 ноября 2010, 10:35

Эта книга адресована прежде всего системным администраторам, у которых есть опыт администрирования компьютерных сетей, но нет опыта работы с UNIX. Книга не претендует на статус "справочника" или "энциклопедии", скорее это "пошаговое вводное руководство для начинающих", которое, однако, даст вам серьёзный толчок к более глубокому изучению ОС FreeBSD.

Tags: freebsd

Postfix. Подробное руководство.

22 ноября 2010, 10:31

Практический подход книги "Postfix. Подробное руководство" будет полезен как специалистам, так и новичкам, предоставив им возможность управлять этим современным открытым почтовым сервером.

Tags: postfix

Absolute BSD - The Ultimate Guide to FreeBSD

22 ноября 2010, 09:49

This book is a one-stop shop for new UNIX administrators who want to build, configure, and manage dedicated FreeBSD servers. It will also be useful for those folks who want to run FreeBSD on their desktop or combined desktop/server systems.

Tags: freebsd

Modern Perl

18 ноября 2010, 12:30

Modern Perl is one way to describe how experienced and effective Perl 5 programmers work. They use language idioms. They take advantage of the CPAN. They're recognizably Perlish, and they show good taste and craftsmanship and a full understanding of Perl. You can learn this too, whether you've dabbled with Perl for a decade or someone just handed you this book and said "Fix this code by Friday."

Tags: perl

HTML & XHTML: The Complete Reference, Fourth Edition

10 января 2008, 15:56

Construct awesome Web pages using HTML, XHTML, XML, basic JavaScript, both CSS (style sheet) specifications, and DHTML. This reference explains why tags work as they do, rather than just giving basic descriptions of them.

Tags: html

Cascading Style Sheets: The Designers Edge

10 января 2008, 15:54

This book begins with an in-depth look at structured markup, both XHTML and CSS, then explains how to use CSS to achieve specific design goals involving typography, color, layout, and more.

Tags: css

Stylin with CSS: A Designers Guide

10 января 2008, 15:52

This book will help you successfully realize your creative ideas. This is not a book about design, per se, but it is a book for designers, and contains key techniques you need to make standards-based Web design a reality. If you have been thinking about adopting CSS as a design tool, or want to move entirely to CSS-based presentation for your Web pages, this book is for you.

Tags: css

Network Programming with Perl

10 января 2008, 15:42

Network Programming with Perl is written for novice and intermediate Perl programmers. This book does take advantage of the object-oriented features in Perl version 5 and higher, but most chapters do not assume a deep knowledge of this system. The parts is: Basics, Developing Clients for Common Services, Developing TCP Client/Server Systems, and Advanced Topics.

Tags: perl

Real World SQL Server Administration with Perl

10 января 2008, 14:51

This unique book is written with the goal of super-charging your SQL Server administration skills with Perl scripting, taking you to the next level of SQL Server administration.

Tags: perl

PostgreSQL 8.2.0 documentation

10 января 2008, 14:49

This book is the official documentation of PostgreSQL. It is being written by the PostgreSQL developers and other volunteers in parallel to the development of the PostgreSQL software. It describes all the functionality thatthe current version of PostgreSQL officially supports.

Tags: postgresql