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Python Developer"s Handbook

24 августа 2006, 10:36

The book starts with a very extensive review of the language and the modules that come as part of the Python distribution. It goes through Object-Oriented Programming, Networking, Web Development, Graphical Interfaces, and other important topics. The last chapter covers JPython, a version of Python that runs in Java systems.

Tags: python

CSS Hacks and Filters. Making CSS work.

24 августа 2006, 10:25

Why hack CSS? Filtering, hiding, coding server side solutions, and more…

Tags: css

Professional Javascript for Web Developers

24 августа 2006, 09:55

What is Javascript, ECMAScript basics, Object basics, Inheritance, Javascript in the browser, DOM basics, Regular Expressions, Browser and OS detection, All about events, Advanced DOM techniques, Forms and data integrity, Sorting tables, Drag and drop, Error handling, XML in JS, Client-Server communication, Web services, Interacting with plugins, Deployment issues, Evolution of JS.

Tags: javascript

Ruby Developer’s Guide

23 августа 2006, 18:13

If you define efficiency as the ruler for the success of a language,Ruby should be one of the very first languages to come to mind.The introduction of Ruby to the programming world has astounded developers with its ability to simply make programming fun again. Ruby frees programmers to concentrate on the problem at hand,creating fewer obstacles than other languages.In Ruby,ideas flow directly into the code.

Tags: ruby

Programming Perl, 2nd edition

23 августа 2006, 18:09

Tags: perl

Pro Perl Parsing

23 августа 2006, 16:41

This book examines all these problems from the perspective of the Perl programming language, which, since its inception in 1987, has always been heralded for its parsing and text processing capabilities. The book takes a practical approach to parsing and is rich in examples that are relevant to real-world parsing tasks. While covering all the basics of parser design to instill understanding in readers, the book highlights numerous CPAN modules that will allow programmers to produce working parser code in an efficient manner.

Tags: perl

MySQL Cookbook

23 августа 2006, 16:05

MySQL Cookbook provides a unique problem-and-solution format that offers practical examples for everyday programming dilemmas. For every problem addressed in the book, there"s a worked-out solution or "recipe" -- short, focused pieces of code that you can insert directly into your applications. More than a collection of cut-and-paste code, this book explanation how and why the code works, so you can learn to adapt the techniques to similar situations.

Tags: mysql

Learning the Unix Operating System

23 августа 2006, 15:21

Tags: freebsd

The Practice of Programming

23 августа 2006, 15:15

Programming style, algorithms and data structures, strategies and tactics for systematic and
effective debugging, portability, and more..

Tags: general programming

Java Network Programming

23 августа 2006, 14:49

Java Network Programming endeavors to show you how to take advantage of Java"s network class library to quickly and easily write programs that accomplish many common networking tasks.

Tags: java