Yamaha PLG150-DX circuit diagram & board schemes
23 января 2014, 14:46
Also includes pinouts for YMP706-F AWM Tone Generator; and SH7043 RISC CPU (MCU). Taken from DX200 service manual.
Tags: PLG
Also includes pinouts for YMP706-F AWM Tone Generator; and SH7043 RISC CPU (MCU). Taken from DX200 service manual.
Tags: PLG
Also includes pinouts for YSS236-F VOP3 processor and H8/3002 RISC CPU (MCU). Taken from AN200 service manual. H8/3002 datasheet also attached.
Tags: PLG
Yamaha Advanced DX/TX Plug-in board features the same 6-operator FM tone generation system that powered the famous DX-series synthesizers.
The PLG150-AN is a custom tone generator designed for use with a variety of Yamaha electronic musical instruments. The PLG150-AN employs Analog Physical Modeling synthesis, for faithful reproduction of analog synthesizer sounds.
The PLG100-VH lets you add powerful harmony and vocoder effects to your voice by plugging a microphone into the host synthesizer's A/D input. Harmony intervals and vocoder melodies can be recorded in a sequencer track for automated playback - ideal for live performance. Russian owners manual is also available.